Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Influential Book

Radical by David Platt has my husband and me re-thinking our budget, our retirement and investments. We have been talking about the book's challenges for more than two months, and slowly, we are beginning to live radically. To us, the author, an Alabama pastor, asks readers to forget everything they've been taught about the American Dream.

If you've felt a nagging whisper in your soul to raise the bar for Christ, Radical is a must-read. If you've ever wondered how a Savior who asked a rich man to sell everything and give to the poor could reconcile with the idea that more is better, read the book. If you've ever felt a tiny bit guilty about eating well when others are starving, you should! Ha ha... I was just seeing if you're still paying attention. This book tells you, in concrete steps, what to do about that guilt... or what to do if you feel led to do more in service and love. Jesus is counting on us to change the world, and many of us are too busy counting our money.