Sunday, November 30, 2008

Prentice Meador

I didn't intend to write about Prentice Meador today... I had a whole different essay I wanted to share with you about our new church. But our new preacher has the same fiery intensity and great delivery that Prentice has... had.

Prentice died Tuesday after a quick, but toxic infection took over his body. Prentice was an incredible communicator, a great preacher and terrific writer. I attended his church in Dallas for about six years, and see that as a time that my faith grew incredibly... due to his teaching.

You may know Prentice from his appearances on "American Religious Town Hall."

Dr. Meador leaves behind a wonderful legacy of children, grandchildren, books and sermons online. I hope that all those of us inspired by his love of the Lord, his admonitions to speak well of the church and to follow Jesus will leave a legacy, too.

Prentice was a runner. But he had his priorities. After I ran my first marathon, he congratulated me, and said sadly, "I'll probably never be able to run one, since they are held on Sundays."

One time, while I was working for the Automotive Satellite Television Network, I had a cool Dodge sports coupe to drive for a week. One Wednesday night after church, Prentice and I were walking out of the building at the same time. I dangled the keys, "Would you like to take a spin around the block?" He grinned and had that standard shift dancing in seconds. Then he said, "I could never have a car like this. Some people would complain that I was making too much money!"

It cannot be easy to be a preacher.

But I know where he is now... and I'd like to think God called Prentice so quickly because there was a little red sports car parked on a cloud that just couldn't wait for a new owner.

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