Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Simple Advice

Buffy, our Border Terrier, is the most verbal dog we have ever met. She carries on a conversation with squeaks, whines and shakes. That we don't speak canine is of little bother to her. She answers our questions and asks us some of her own.

So, suffering a bit of writer's block, I just asked her, "Buffy, what could I say to encourage people today?" She squealed and wagged her tail. Then she rolled over on her back and smiled. I think that means we all just need to wag our tails a little more (smile) and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Are there people--and you can define that loosely--in your life who are trying to give you an important message, and you're just not listening? Maybe there is a communication barrier or a credibility gap, so take another try. It may be simple advice that just takes you away from the cat, er, rat race for awhile.

Now, Buffy is taking a nap. What a great role model she is. I think I'll do the same.

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