Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are You a Faith Olympian?

To say the stories of the Olympic athletes are inspiring is an understatement. They can teach us to be gold medalists in our faith contest.

1. Olympians don't give up. Despite injuries, falls, personal tragedy, they keep their eyes on the goal. We can keep our eyes on Heaven. And we can never give up on bringing others to Christ.

2. Olympians do whatever it takes. Did you see the stories about cross-training? Skaters work out in the gym and jog. Skiers ride bikes. We need to be cross-disciplined, too. We need to pray, study, attend church--whatever it takes.

3. Olympians support their team. It's not all about the individual; it's also about national pride. Are we supporting our home team? Or are we gossiping, cutting each other down and being critical of ministry efforts? Support your team with encouragement, prayer and love.

4. Olympians sacrifice. The stories about parents giving up everything to provide training for their children get to me. Then the athletes themselves sacrifice their time, their diets and more. What are we giving up for the cause of Christ?

I will never stand on the podium and hear my country's anthem. But I hope to hear something even more special one day: "Well done, good and faithful servant." How about you?

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