Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Moms are a special breed. Most hold down two or more jobs, including the one of managing a household, and they get little recognition for having the most important work in the universe: raising the next generation with faith, integrity, hope and manners.

I am blessed to have a nearly perfect mother and mother-in-law. My mother is such a good cook she probably thought I'd learn my way around a kitchen by osmosis. So it's a good thing my mother-in-law taught my husband to cook. He has banned me from the kitchen.

The mother I met this week whose only little boy was shot to death by her then-husband had tears in her eyes when she admitted Mother's Day is hard for her. My heart breaks for her.

I must look like a mother, because every year, people start wishing me Happy Mother's Day around the first of May. Some of us are mothers of canines and some of us are mothers without children, but we all had a mother. That's why I can rationalize that we all celebrate tomorrow. We can celebrate the blessing that God created: someone who loves us almost as He does, without conditions and without reservation.

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