Sunday, March 25, 2007

Saying Something Nice

A few days ago, a man I'd just met was asking me about the speaking business. He mentioned that in all his years of public school, he'd received one compliment from a teacher. It was about his ability to speak. Being the only one, the compliment really stuck with him and gave him confidence that he could make presentations.

I know teachers have many challenges, so I'm not asking them to do more, and I'm not fussing at them. Maybe this man was a handful as a youngster, and it was all the teachers could do to keep the class in line. We don't know the whole story.

But it made me sad that this man--probably in his forties--could remember only one compliment.

My dad wanted me to be an executive secretary when I was little. If it hadn't been for the encouragement--and compliments--of Mr. Bledsoe, Miss Verhalen and Mrs. Foster, I might not have known the thrill of sharing ideas with audiences.

Let's encourage each other by finding nice things to say to each other and about each other. I'm not suggesting insincere flattery. Let's look beyond the surface to notice a day-brightening smile, a kind gesture, or a job done well.

You never know how it will give confidence and change a life.

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