Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Effortless Encouragement

My friend Linda is a great encourager. She makes it look easy and natural. For instance, just the way she says, "Wow!" can make you feel like you just gave her a priceless painting.

She helped put herself through college and law school by doing everything from selling makeup to waiting tables. So she always notices people who work in service jobs and talks to them. Last Friday, we were having lunch, and she told our waitperson, "You have the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen!" The young woman did have beautiful eyes. And hearing that from Linda made those eyes dance. She came back to our table later, wearing a big smile, "Someone else noticed my eyes!"

Encouraging others costs nothing but a few seconds of our time. The goodwill we generate may last for days. That's a great return on investment.

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